County homelessness

This is a screenshot of Deschutes County commissioners discussing homelessness at their July 22 meeting.

It’s a lousy moment for Deschutes County commissioners to be struggling to do much of anything to help improve the problem of homelessness.

It’s not like they are doing nothing, have done nothing or don’t care. And it’s not like it’s an easy issue to find agreement on how to help or to find money to help.

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Editorials reflect the views of The ÅÝֱܽ²¥'s editorial board: Publisher Heidi Wright; Editor Jody Lawrence-Turner; Editor Tim Trainor and Editorial Page Editor Richard Coe. They are written by Richard Coe. Contact:


Editorials reflect the views of The ÅÝֱܽ²¥'s editorial board: Publisher Heidi Wright; Editor Jody Lawrence-Turner; Editor Tim Trainor and Editorial Page Editor Richard Coe. They are written by Richard Coe. Contact:

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(2) comments


"And we shouldn’t just open up more community discussions about what we are going to do.†Fine. Then do something!


I watched the discussion, too, and was embarrassed for all three commissioners. This is really the best the three can do on this tough issue? Chang and DeBone seemed intent on arguing about the past while Adair name dropped and shared unhelpful stats and info. DeBone said he wanted to propose something but failed to. Well, how about asking CHRO to give an estimate of how much money and land would be required to establish and run managed camps for the 1000 unsheltered in the county. But, be ready for a big number, Tony. The $14000 spent monthly at Juniper Ridge is going to go up to something more along $1 million monthly. And as for land, you should plan on using the entire 45 acres south of the airport.

Lastly what a waste of staff time. I wasn’t in the room, but having sat through similar sorts of meetings elsewhere, I can imagine pretty well the frustration they must have felt. When the feeling wells up in a commissioners soul to extend a discussion to no end, think first about whether the discussion will be a good use of staff time.

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