Natural Gas Meter (copy)

The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled on Wednesday that the state's Climate Protection Program is invalid because the state did not follow proper rulemaking procedures.

Oregon’s second highest court ruled in favor of natural gas utilities seeking to invalidate the state’s landmark climate program.

The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that the 3-year-old Climate Protection Program is invalid on a technicality. Judges James Egan and Jacqueline Kamins said that the state’s Environmental Quality Commission did not fully comply with disclosure requirements in 2021 when it voted to create emissions rules that exceed federal rules and affect entities holding industrial air pollution permits under the federal Clean Air Act.

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(1) comment

Financial Repression

'Natural gas is almost entirely methane gas, among the most potent climate-warming greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the atmosphere. One-third of global warming is due to human-caused emissions of methane, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.'

Keep going! ~66% of the US carbon emission reduction this century is from NG taking power gen share from coal.

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