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Bend Police Chief Mike Krantz will be among the participants at a city of Bend open house and neighborhood district discussion on local public safety goals and priorities on June 10. 

The city of Bend will host an  open house and neighborhood district discussion on public safety goals and priorities in June.

The event will include Bend Police Chief Mike Krantz, city councilors and Janet Hruby, the city's transportation and mobility assistant engineer, the city said in a news release. 

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Anna, a Nebraska native, covers crime and public safety. She’s been with The ÅÝֱܽ²¥ since 2022. She seeks to incorporate nuance and diverse perspectives to broaden readers’ understandings of the criminal justice system, public safety and homelessness. Readers can contact Anna with news tips via phone or email.

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(1) comment


We have been working in Adelaide, Australia for about 4 months. The first thing we noticed is that everyone obeys the speed limit and there is no red light running. There are many speed and red light cameras and fines are very stiff - over $500 for 6 miles over the speed limit. Consequently driving is pretty chill and we see very few accidents or problems. Everyone is on their good behavior. Also, they have cameras to see if a cell phone is in the driver's hand. That is a $400 fine. I feel a lot safer on the road here than in the US.

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