The ÅÝֱܽ²¥ building sign

The ÅÝֱܽ²¥ sign in front of the offices in Bend.

EO Media Group is making substantial changes across the company, including layoffs and reductions in print frequency at several newspapers.

EO Media Group, a fourth-generation, family-held media company, operates 12 newspapers in Oregon and Washington, including The ÅÝֱܽ²¥ and the Redmond Spokesman.

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(4) comments


The Bend paper is useful for local events and stories. However the reprints from the primary MSM news sources reflect false narratives as well as TDS. See the opinion piece on Washington Post from Johnathan Turley today. There is no amount of screaming to people who are analytical with Math and Science backgrounds which recognize many of these false narratives. The bulk of citizens might buy some of what you sell, but many of us think for ourselves. Calculate the odds for example of six states going from hundreds of thousands votes in one direction to the opposite direction overnight. Let me know what you find, it is pretty clear. Meanwhile keep up the good work regarding outdoor activities, about the only reason to read the paper other than the weather forecast.


I would also add that the bulletin believes it knows the difference between truth and misinformation and censors with clear bias and never admits being wrong. Only half the population supports censorship of "wrong think" and thus doesn't support free speech for everyone. It's interesting how those who aren't extreme leftists are the most tolerant, yet are the ones who get censored. The feeling of "being right" and everyone else is wrong, is a powerful motivator in the human psyche and has infected the bulk of journalism. Considering all the benefits and detriments that The ÅÝֱܽ²¥ represents, it's probably better overall if it ceases operations.


Very sorry. With attacks on legitimate news sources (not partisan opinionaters) and citizens refusing to pay for a broad range of news, the inevitable will happen. The dumbing down of America. This is how Democracies die.

Best wishes to EO Media. You will continue to have my personal and financial support.


It's true that the economic model for newspapers has been severely eroded by the internet, which has led to the drive to get attention back by any means possible for survival. But these compensatory measures have led to abandoning adherence to seeking the truth and maintaining balance.

Consequently, the current media, both large and small, are a part of the threat to democracy as truth and balance no longer undergird their reporting, including EO Media. Reporting seems to have the goal to foment social bickering and distrust of each other, government and the foundational tenets of our country, all in the name of "DEI". Our culture has to be demeaned and devalued akin to self immolation, while romanticizing the plight of the self professed "marginalized" groups that benefit from American culture, yet claim to be its victims, which is nothing but a narcissistic strategy to gain position and power without merit.

The ÅÝֱܽ²¥'s subtitle "Empowering our community" is arrogant, presumptuous and condescending. The ÅÝֱܽ²¥ needs the community more than the community needs The ÅÝֱܽ²¥ and comes across as overly matriarchal treating the readers like they are prepubescent children - perhaps this appeals to the subgroup that is most likely to pay for a subscription? If there was only some way for The ÅÝֱܽ²¥ to actually listen and learn from the community it serves, I wonder what would happen? Could they learn if there is actually a better balanced approach?

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