Pride 2024

Ollie Betz, right, excitedly interacts with drag performer Mystique Hunt during a drag show at Pride on Saturday at Drake Park in Bend.  

Even as more than a thousand Bendites came together to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community in Drake Park on Saturday, others weren’t as happy about promoting inclusivity.

No matter. Bend’s Pride participants formed their own line in the sand, using brightly colored rainbow flags and themselves to shield 2024 Bend Pride revelers from protesters who told them they were going to hell.

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Morgan Owen has been a reporter with the Bend ÅÝֱܽ²¥ since 2023. She moved to Bend as an adult to experience the outdoors with her dog, Moose.

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(1) comment


This Pride Month, don't forget that MAGA Rep. Chavez-DeRemer voted to stop the military’s health care system from providing gender reassignment/hormone treatment to transgender service members & to keep students from changing their name or gender marker at schools Vote for Janelle Bynum to protect our freedoms. ðŸ³ï¸â€ðŸŒˆðŸŒˆ

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