Kent Vander Kamp, a Deschutes County Sheriff candidate, is the target of a public records lawsuit from outgoing Sheriff Shane Nelson, who believes information from a California police department might jeopardize ongoing criminal investigations.

Nelson began searching for records from the city of La Mesa after a citizen notified his office of Vander Kamp’s employment there in the 1990s — employment that had not previously been discussed by Vander Kamp.

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Anna, a Nebraska native, covers crime and public safety. She’s been with The ÅÝֱܽ²¥ since 2022. She seeks to incorporate nuance and diverse perspectives to broaden readers’ understandings of the criminal justice system, public safety and homelessness. Readers can contact Anna with news tips via phone or email.

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(5) comments


Sheriff Nelson has every reason to question and investigate. We have been "lucky" enough to have dealings with Vanderkamp ourselves. We did all of the interviews, cooperated with everyone we were supposed to and the charges were dropped. 9 months later a letter with new charges came in regular mail with no warning. All previous evidence had been destroyed because the case was dismissed. How convenient. I guess vanderkamp figured out a work around on the exculpable evidence. I could go on and on. Vanderkamp is not the man people think he is.


Zero comments eh? I left a comment but it didn't suit your narrative. That is an offense towards our constitutional rights Bend ÅÝֱܽ²¥.

A guy

Hey Sheriff Nelson, STAY OUT OF IT.


Sounds like an attempted lawfare, shame on Shane!! And using our tax dollars to do it!!


So let me understand this. Sheriff Shane Nelson is spending at least $750/hr (not counting the time spent by DCSO staff) to dig up dirt from almost 30 years ago on the guy who is running against Nelson's chosen candidate William Bailey - the candidate that Nelson has publicly endorsed.

Isn't this the same guy who just went crying to the budget committee for more money from the taxpayer and who just maxed out all of our property taxes?

This on top of the fact that La Mesa PD is telling him they have nothing, but STILL Nelson is suing them?

Maybe it is because Shane Nelson himself hides information from public records requests and assumes everyone else must have the same ethics as he does.

Besides why in god's name would La Mesa PD hide information from Shane Nelson about an unpaid volunteer from nearly 30 years ago ? That absolutely makes absolutely no sense.

And who is this mysterious citizen who suddenly appeared out of nowhere to dish dirt on Vander Kamp?

Nelson is losing his mind and this all reeks to high heaven.

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