We are convinced either Chris Piper or Melanie Kebler would make an excellent mayor for Bend. The ÅÝֱܽ²¥â€™s editorial board is endorsing Piper. We believe that will be better for Bend.

Frankly it’s in part because if he wins, we can get them both. Piper would be mayor. Kebler could continue to serve out her term as a councilor.

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(6) comments


Gee libs, examine someone who doesn't think and walk like you. I'm astounded by your inability to debate other ideas other than your own. Waddle off as a mindless group and vote in lockstep with your other minnons.


What about Piper makes you eager to vote for him?


Will we never get a journalistic investigation into the injection of dark money into local groups intent on undermining civic society?

Moms for Liberty, for one, carried on a months-long campaign of disruption against our school board--threatening elected officials while trumpeting the latest conspiracies from extremist think tanks.

And, then, there’s Bend Humanity Coalition with its shadowy phalanx of donors and operating from a script provided by conflict-inventor Christopher Rufo, whose screed against unhoused people ended up in the hands of at least one elected official.

As expected, Bend City Council took its turn as the target of rancorous opposition for its efforts to find truly humanitarian solutions. However, the often hateful rhetoric spewed at Council meetings was, thankfully, just that.

Kids Not Camps failed to gather enough signatures to place a ballot measure on the November ballot that would have stopped the City from engaging in any project to aid the homeless. It would even have prevented construction of the successful Central Oregon Veterans Village.

Chris Piper, himself, got caught up in the stridency. He was spotted in the crowd that mysteriously turned out to confront a Bend City Councilor at Drake Park last year. She had invited what she thought would be a small group of citizens to informally discuss the homelessness crisis. Why was he there and why did he not act like a gentleman and a leader and quell the crowd?


I think the focus here on state level rules and regulations that the mayor has no power over is a bit odd. Why aren't we focusing on what they can deregulate locally to spur housing production? Councilor Kebler has provided some specifics on that, and done good work on the bipartisan HB2001 bill's local implementation.


Piper is the head of the neighborhood association who issues you a citation for leaving your trash cans out for more than 24hours - citing its effect on his property value and 'neighborhood character.' He would make a great mayor of Sunriver or Tetherow HOA president. He does not understand city issues, housing, transportation like Kebler. Vote Kebler, she is wicked smart, not afraid to tackle tough issues (even if they are politically challenging), and is a genuine person who cares deeply about this community.

Bifurcated Boom

'He would make a great mayor of Sunriver or Tetherow HOA president.'

OMG. To good.

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