Health care costs

Oregonians have been skipping health care because of cost. This information is from 2021.

Rising prescription costs, rising health care premiums, rising costs of treatment, the challenges that hospitals face in providing care, the number of people whose de facto doctor is the emergency room — it’s about as frustrating and enervating as it gets.

As for solutions, Oregon is trying a biggie. to come up with a plan for universal health care in Oregon. Everybody would be covered with good benefits. There would be no more co-pays or deductibles or other forms of out-of-pocket costs. Providers would all be billing one state system. There will be new taxes replacing premiums and what companies pay, but the promise is the system would cost less.

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Editorials reflect the views of The ÅÝֱܽ²¥'s editorial board: Publisher Heidi Wright; Editor Jody Lawrence-Turner; Editor Tim Trainor and Editorial Page Editor Richard Coe. They are written by Richard Coe. Contact:


Editorials reflect the views of The ÅÝֱܽ²¥'s editorial board: Publisher Heidi Wright; Editor Jody Lawrence-Turner; Editor Tim Trainor and Editorial Page Editor Richard Coe. They are written by Richard Coe. Contact:

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