Guest Column

“Bend Sucks. Don’t move here!†You’ve no doubt seen this bumper sticker around town. And you’ve likely read letters to the editor complaining about the city’s changes over the decades. Residential and commercial development are destroying the paradise that was Bend, we are informed. I’ve been in Bend for 15 years, so I’ve only watched the city grow by 35,000. Old-timers have watched the population quintuple since 1990 and some appear to believe that in the past Bend could have stopped growth and remained pristine. This appearance is a mirage.

2023 is the 50th anniversary of Senate Bill 100, a land-use bill passed by the Oregon state Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Tom McCall. Fear of suburban sprawl paving over farmland incited legislators to write and pass the bill. According to Gov. McCall, sprawl represented “a shameless threat to our environment and to the whole quality of life…. Sagebrush subdivisions, coastal condomania, and the ravenous rampage of suburbia in the Willamette Valley all threaten to mock Oregon’s status as the environmental model for the nation.â€

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Dean Harris lives in Bend.

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(4) comments


Indeed we can't stop growth and need to learn the balance the tension created by being a great place to live and the growth that comes with it. Denial and avoidance is less likely to be a successful strategy. That said, we clearly don't have enough parcels to build enough units to keep housing and commercial prices reasonable.


Growth can be stopped by putting a moratorium on new water hookups and building permits. It is being done is some communities already.


What a terrible idea


What a great idea.

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