Snake River Dams-Injunction (copy)

The Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River is seen from the air in 2019.

The January 2024 issue of the Central Oregon Electric Coop’s magazine ‘Ruralite’ featured a full-page letter by CEO Brad Wilson. Wilson said that “special interest groups†had used litigation to get the four Lower Snake River Dams (LSRD’s) removed. He said that the White House Council on Environmental Quality had “injected itself†into the process, “participating in confidential mediation with only select stakeholders†and that only when “details leaked from the secret negotiations†did the coop learn of an agreement that “fails to protect the Bonneville Power Authority (BPA) and exposes its customers to new costs, ... translating into billions of dollars of new expenses.â€

Gee, sinister “special interests†behind a “secret†conspiracy that imperils “system reliability†sounds pretty serious, doesn’t it? None of that is true.

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Jerry Freilich lives in Bend.

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