Family and friends attend the funeral of Afik Rozental, an Israeli soldier killed during fighting with Gaza militants, in Kfar Menahem, Israel, on Oct. 9.

On Oct. 7, 50 years after the start of the Yom Kippur war, Israel was again attacked. This time, the targets were not Israeli military installations on the Suez Canal, but innocent civilians on the Jewish sabbath. The atrocities committed against these civilians, many of them children, were unspeakable and reflective of a mindset that most normal people cannot comprehend. The attackers were motivated by a desire to destroy Israel by the massacre of Jews. In fact, this was the worst attack on Jewish civilians since the Holocaust.

Israel has been the object of hatred and terrorism by Arab, Palestinian and other Muslim extremists since its founding in 1948. Three major wars were initiated by Muslim countries who vowed to drive the Israeli settlers into the sea. Although several of those countries, in particular Jordan Egypt and the UAE, have made peace with the Jewish state, others have not, led by the world’s major terror state, Iran.

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Paul deWitt is the former chair of the Deschutes Republican Party and a retired former captain in the U.S. Naval Reserve. David Coutin is a doctor and lives in Bend.

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(1) comment


The irony of Israelophiles deWitte and Coutin’s decision in this column to deploy the racist and dehumanizing word “savages†to name the perpetrators of Hamas’ atrocities, as well as imply that they aren’t civilized, is that similar dehumanizing language was used by Germans under Hitler to rationalize atrocities against European Jews. Racist and dehumanizing language was wrong then as it is now. The authors do no service to Jews, humanity, or the God of Abraham employing such language.

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