Cars parked on Chandler

Parked cars line Chandler Avenue near the OSU-Cascades campus.

Along with doubling enrollment I sincerely hope that the decision makers at OSU-Cascades consider doubling parking. Perhaps the excavated site on Chandler could somehow be converted to an underground garage to accommodate cars?

Alternate transportation has been encouraged but parking is a real issue. Just drive down Chandler or anywhere around the Safeway area. The streets are filled with parked cars and students are crossing Century Drive all the time after parking on the street.

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(3) comments


Well Ms. O'Donnell, it appears that you may have an issue with LGBTQ to begin with...


the "rainbow" flag in all its iterations, is meant to symbolize their priority and to imply everyone should be on board with constant "celebration" of a group of people for what goes on in their private lives. I really don't care what other people do, but they shouldn't be given priority in any way simply because of their lifestyle and suggest that I should think a certain way. The division is the point and wish to use any public display of disagreement as a opportunity to label them a bigot. I suggest it is they who are the bigots who don't tolerate disagreement as the rest of us aren't demanding they act or speak in a way that we want. Division has already occurred.


Sure you care what other people do. You just dissed the LGBTQ folks. You also forget, apparently, that from the beginning of time it seems that folks have been treated like dirt for their being "different".

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